
Showing posts from August, 2020


  Hello Everyone,  The word exodus means "Mass departure of people from one destination to other".  It can be either by the willingness of population or by forceful act by one community on others.  There has been an infinite number of cases where one community is being tortured and persecuted on the basis of religion and beliefs. For example  (Jews of Germany,)(Hindu,   Sikh and Christian of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh), (Zoroastrians of Iran), ( Uyghurs Muslims of   China). In these incidents, most of the communities which I mentioned above are minorities of their respective countries. Today's point of Discussion is Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs.  In India, around 80% of the population is following Hinduism but when we talk about Kashmir and especially Kashmir valley Hindus are in minority and most of the Hindus are Pandits i.e, they are called Kashmiri pandit.  They were forced to live their houses, lands, properties from early 1990 onwards and were forc

ARTICLE 35(a) OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION : PART 3 In the year 1846, during British rule, the treaty of Amritsar happened in which Jammu & Kashmir was given to Maharaja Gulab Singh by the British government. Which made the state of Jammu and Kashmir a princely state . What does being a princely state mean? Let's Understand, During the British Rule, there were two types of states: 1. British-controlled states  2. Princely states Whoever lived in a British controlled state were known as British controlled Subjects.  Whereas the population of Princely state was known as State subjects.   To recognize the state subject of Jammu and Kashmir, some legal provisions were formed during the year 1912-1932. Such as the hereditary order of 1927 which stated that every state subject of Jammu and Kashmir is entitled to:    Right to use the land  right to ownership of land  Right to the government office and much more,    Also, Read-  KASHMIR ARTICLE  370 CAA SECULARISM  RELIGION   FORGOTTEN HEROES

WHAT IS ARTICLE 370? : (B.13)

 Hello Everyone,  In the last blog we discussed the history of Jammu and Kashmir and how did Jammu and Kashmir become an integral part of India. Further, we also discussed that despite being an integral part of India, still, a large area of Kashmir is occupied by Pakistan. But before I continue, if you are new to my blog I recommend you to read my previous blog for better understanding. 👇 (CLICK ON THE LINK)  UNDERSTANDING KASHMIR PART 1


Kashmir is one of the most controversial topics of all time and there are many confusions about Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. To understand the dispute of Kashmir, we first have to understand the history of Kashmir. But before that, if you are new to my blog I recommend you to go through my previous blogs at .  Key highlights of this blog  History of Kashmir The accession of J&k with India Article 370  Article 35(a) Abrogation of Article 370 and 35(a) Kashmir came into the sight of human civilization quite early. It was opulent in its literature, music and culture to an extent that it was known as the silicon valley of that time. Kashmir and Ladakh were the centres of every trade route of ancient Time. The etymology of Kashmir is still uncertain but according to Christopher Snedden, the name of Kashmir could have been a shortened form of "Kashyap Mir" or Lake of Sage Kashyap. Rishi Kashyap is said to be the first King of Kashmir


Hello Everyone, The Journey of India towards independence has been very significant. The freedom that we enjoy today came at the cost of many lives. But don't you think India has many unsung heroes? There are many extraordinary personalities who haven't received credit for the prominent roles they played in our independence. Isn't it important to acknowledge them in the way they actually deserve? So I am introducing a series where I will talk about such heroes who haven't received much light.

Hypocrisy of Shaheen Bagh [B.10]

HELLO EVERYONE We all remember the incident of Shaheen bagh, for some it was totally democratic and for some, it was against the constitution. Before giving any opinion from my side we will understand how did shaheen bagh start? It was a peaceful protest led by women (mostly Muslim women) and went on for more than 100 days. It was initially against CAA and the police Intervention at Jamia University. It was organized on the main running road which used to join Noida and Faridabad. It is a place that is home to millions of people. I will discuss everything that you need to know about shaheen but before that, we have to understand what does the constitution of India says about "RIGHT TO PROTEST" and permissions required. 1. The right to protest peacefully is enshrined in the Indian Constitution-Article 19(1)(a). It guarantees the citizen of India "the freedom of speech and expression". Along with this Article 19(1)(b) assures citizens the right to assemble peacefully

7 Things which made CAA controversial [PART 3] B.9

  Hello everyone,  Whenever we talk about CAA we think less about the act but more about the protest and violence. I have discussed everything that the Act contains, but don't you think there should be some other reason apart from the act itself? Yes, there are many things which are promoting riots and protests. But before reading this, if you are new to the blog, make sure you read all the previous blogs related to CAA.  UNDERSTANDING CAA [PART 1] UNDERSTANDING CAA [PART 2] LET'S GET STARTED,  There are many reasons which have resulted in all the protest. 1. Insufficient communication between the government and common people: Every non-Muslim who has migrated to India from these countries can't be treated as a persecuted individual. Some might have immigrated because of better opportunities in India, So how will the government discriminate between a persecuted refugee and an illegal non-Muslim migrant?   2. Irresponsible section of media:  When I say irresponsible media I

CAA is against Indian Muslims? [PART 2] B.8

  Hello Everyone,  WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY  In the previous blog, I made an attempt to explain to you the Constitutional side of CAA. If you haven't read it, I recommend it,  you should. e. Earlier I told you that we will be discussing the following questions and queries from CAA.  Why Muslims are not included in this act? Why we are giving citizenship to Illegal Immigrants? Why is Afghanistan Included in this act? Because Afghanistan is not a part of undivided India.


Hello Everyone,  

Amendment of secularism is not constitutional? [PART 3] B.6

  Hello everyone,  In this blog, we will be talking about "how the amendment of secularism destroyed the essence of democracy". In the previous blogs, we discussed secularism, its origin, the introduction of secularism in India and much more. Before reading this blog i suggest you to read them first. Let's GET STARTED, We all know that India is a democratic and secular country. Any amendment which is made in our constitution should be done in a democratic way or otherwise Constitution of India gives right to every individual of India to challenge that decision in the court. But when the amendment of secularism was made, none of the democratic procedures was followed. 1. The opposition of India was in jail under the MISA Act. 2. Media was censored or in simple words, their right to publish anything without government intervention was blocked. 3. Even the cabinet of Indira Gandhi was not consulted. 4. Courts were silent across the nation. Do you think of this as a democra

Is Secularism Important? [Part 2]

The Constitution of India was not a secular constitution by birth, it was later when Mrs Indira Gandhi suspiciously made the constitution secular. Do you think that the great minds of B. R. Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, Mohan das Karamchand Gandhi made a mistake of leaving the constitution nonsecular or there was something important which they had in their minds which stopped them from making this change? Let's Find out - Being secular does not mean that you have to dump your spiritual values and just think of society above spirituality. But being secular means that at the time of decision making, government or any govt. the body should not prioritize one religion over the others. But unfortunately in our country secularism was inserted into our constitution without even defining it.  The term was then propagated and used in a very wrong way just to keep one community happy and to fulfil the political agendas. In fact, for some, secularism means that the "majority should not speak u

What is secularism?

"The idea of separation of power of states from the religious institutions" or "The belief that religion should not be taking part in the ordinary social and political activity of a country". - SECULARISM There are so many definitions of secularism and none of them are incorrect.  It's not the word that is creating controversies but the application and the usage of the idea are making it  debatable.  Through this blog, let us understand why this term has become a heated and controversial issue of the modern time. Key Focuses-  PART 1: What secularism means? and what is secularism in India? PART 2:  Modern secularism of India. Is India ready to be secular? PART 3:  Amendment of secularism. Good or bad? Click here to read more-   RELIGION OF INDIA WHO IS A HINDU and much more.. Let me introduce you to a very interesting fact - the word "secularism" was not linked with religion until 1851. It was a freestanding Latin term that was used in the Christian

What is the Religion of India?? [B.3]

"A religion is a social-cultural system of designated behaviours and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements"  As per the last blog   "Hindu is a geographical identity and not a religion" b ut after this, some valid questions should hit our minds, if Hindu  is not a religion then what was the religion of ancient  India  before all the invasions occurred?  what is the main religion of India followed by the majority, if not Hinduism?? Let's break it into simple parts and understand. ALSO, READ- WHO IS A HINDU? SECULARISM  and more... What is the eligibility of a religion? Everyone is familiar with the fact that India is a diverse nation and so there are 'n' number of religions followed here. After every 50 km, we find that a different religion is practised. Hence, going along with the definition now, we can surely understand t


The title of the blog must have popped an answer in most people's minds. And that's quite obvious because it is a familiar term. But what if I say there might be another side to the answer you have on your mind? Let's find out...  QUEST TOWARDS IDENTIFYING THE IDENTITY What if I say it  doesn't  matter whether you are a human or a microorganism?    If he/she takes birth on this Indian subcontinent   (when I say Indian   subcontinent  I do not mean the only REPUBLIC OF INDIA, I include Afghanistan  to Bhutan),  is a Hindu.   Sounds controversial,  right?    The term Hindu  can be easily understood by its etymology. Anybody who is born within the geographical boundary of the Himalayas and Indus river or "Indu Nadi" is a Hindu. The name Hindu originated from  the  HI MALAYAN region and Indus   river. Hindu is not a religion, it's just a geographical identification  and whoever lived in that area was called a Hindu. " Let us understand it in a very sim