Is Secularism Important? [Part 2]

The Constitution of India was not a secular constitution by birth, it was later when Mrs Indira Gandhi suspiciously made the constitution secular. Do you think that the great minds of B. R. Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, Mohan das Karamchand Gandhi made a mistake of leaving the constitution nonsecular or there was something important which they had in their minds which stopped them from making this change?

Let's Find out -

Being secular does not mean that you have to dump your spiritual values and just think of society above spirituality. But being secular means that at the time of decision making, government or any govt. the body should not prioritize one religion over the others. But unfortunately in our country secularism was inserted into our constitution without even defining it. 

The term was then propagated and used in a very wrong way just to keep one community happy and to fulfil the political agendas. In fact, for some, secularism means that the "majority should not speak up against the minorities" and by minorities they mean just one single community. I can give you thousands of examples wherein the name of secularism the majority of this country was forced to shut their mouth. India was, is, and will always be a spiritual country.

Also, Read- 
SECULARISM and much more..

 You can not imagine this country without its spiritual values. India is sheltered from almost seven major religions of the world. People around the globe visit India for spiritual wisdom and seek religious knowledge from our saints. Do you really think India can be successful without its spiritual essence?

What we are really doing is following a pathetic western idea of secularism and that too in the wrong way. Now I will introduce you to a fact which might make you think about the previous government's misleading idea of secularism. 

Here are two oath ceremonies of different secular countries. First in India and the second in the United kingdom.

It's just an example of two secular countries. The UK, Being a developed nation keeps their queen as a priority. Whereas in India, the constitution is supreme and we are still a developing country. What I am trying to explain to you is that none of the oaths is wrong.

 But in the UK, they remember their roots, and today they are counted as a developed nation. On the other hand, in India, we are not connected to our roots and pay more attention to western ideologies. So it's not about our political or social values which will decide the success of a nation but your relation with the roots and spiritual values.

 Before our country became secular, the book of the constitution was already a priority. This leads us to the fact that India was always a secular country. The conclusion that can be drawn from the amendment made by Indira Gandhi did not prove to be a significant move, but a fishy act.
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  1. Just not go to the UK you can see it in India itself, when you compare North India to South India, they are probably more advance and prosper, remember they still wear "lungi" still speaks the language which has 60 to 70 % of SANSKRIT, they are still maintaining their temples as were maintained in ancient times and many more....


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