Understanding Urban Naxal and Naxalism: Origin, Aim, Objective and Working.


Delhi Riots have clearly shown signs of involvement in urban Naxal organizations. In North East Delhi to create communal violence, this type of Naxal model has been applied, the same model was then used in the anti CAA protest which however succeeded only in selected places.  

Key focus of the blog-  The theoretical basis of Urban Naxalism, its origin, Aim, and Functioning. 

What is Urban Naxalism?

In recent years, military thinkers and security researchers have focused on a "4GW" Fourth Generation War. This is a new kind of warfare, it is a process of creating a place full of countless conflicting issues. This is a war in which they do not use weapons but ideologies to create discord between different societies and at least the involvement of one Non-State-Actor is common.  

  • Urban Naxalism is a kind of 4GW, these people and organizations focus on the developmental issues as their sub-weapon and use them to manipulate the mind of the common people (especially youth). They create conflicts within society. 
  • According to the government statistics, 90 Districts of India are Naxal affected, especially the rural and low developed areas. But now the reach of Naxalism is not limited to rural areas, they have reached urban areas too. Your presence in this detailed area is a Maoist strategy that has been extensively detailed and documented by the Central Committee of CPI (M). 
"Maoism is a form of communism developed by Mao Tse Tung. It is a strategy to capture State power through a combination of armed insurgency, mass mobilization and strategic alliances. Maoists also use propaganda and disinformation against state institutions as other components of their insurgency doctrine. This is basically a Chinese idea and and is  a left wing organization." 

 Aim and Objective: 

According to the document "Strategy and Tactics of the Indian revolution" STIR was issued by CPI-(M) in 2004, the objective of these Urban Naxal gangs is to achieve an "Indian Communist revolution". the document has extensively explained the theoretical framework and the strategy to work in India. Thus, the term "Urban Naxal" is not an empty term but a basis in the literature provided by this organization involved in the Naxal movement in India. 

Working of this organization: 
The document issued by the CPI(M) party of India clearly shows the need for recruitment to the Urban Naxal cause and this has not remained to the word. The year 2015-16 kept India occupied with shocking revelations about renowned educational institutions like FTII, JNU, Jamia Islamia, DU, Aligarh Muslim University, Most common incident was when JNU reverberated with slogans such as "Bharat tere tukde honge, Inshallah"  ("भारत तेरे टुकडे होंगे, इंशाअल्लाह") that championed the breaking of India. An immense hike was seen immediately after the Election of 2014 in India.  

1. The first strategy outlined in the allied documents is called the "Urban-Perspective". This is a technique used to find out all possible ways to infiltrate in the Ghettos- "A part of the city which is mainly occupied by the minorities or in more simple words a slum where the majority population is representing one community or religion". This is very similar to the work carried out by the urban Naxal in northeast Delhi especially in the Muslim majority area before the Delhi riots. 

2.The Maoist document also talks about how to take advantage of religion to create further divisions among the communities. In India, they are targeting Muslims and Hindus for this task, and have created the notion that fascist Hindus are oppressing the "so-called poor Muslim community."  It is a common experience shared by us. They are trying to inflame the decade-old perceived warm dispute between the two communities, which is not true and must be protected at all costs.    

3. Moving forward, the document points to the long-term approach of Maoists towards urban areas.  This focuses on how to increase strength in the existing base of the urban areas and to pierce it into the industrial class, unions, unorganized labor,  white-collar employees, youth bodies (student unions), journalists, and NGOs.  

They are required to provide logistic support, food, medicines, communications, spare parts, ammunition, batteries, footwear, etc to their base operating in the rural areas. Additionally, they could provide further momentum to the existing movements with the help of media, social activists, and human rights organizations. 

4. They have also recognized the use of  Cyberwar for their mission. The use of social media and other services like YouTube are their biggest weapons in the present time. Fake news,  facts, and edited videos are circulated in order to create chaos in the community and to spread their propaganda.  

5. The last strategy which is one of the most dangerous and fastest-spreading is capturing the universities. From 2015 onwards, the country watched how the universities turned the theatre of secessions. This is however just an implosion, the groundwork has been carefully created in the past decades inside the universities.  

As per the newspaper reports, G.N. Saibaba, a professor of English at DU, was arrested by the Maharashtra Police for links with Maoists and was then sentenced to life imprisonment after he was convicted. Four more, including JNU's former student Hem Mishra and former journalist Prakash Rahi, were arrested and there are an ample number of cases that indicate these Naxals have established their agents in such institutions. 

 It is very evident that the Multi-directional attacks are being planted by the urban Naxals to uproot democracy from our country. If you all remember I told you that, I will be revealing some of the hidden evil powers working day and night to destroy the integrity of our nation, Urban Naxalism is one of them. 

The government alone is not responsible for everything, we, the citizens have to create awareness among ourselves and especially the urban youth because they are one of the potential recruits, these organizations  are looking for. 

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Stay connected for a new blog every Thursday! 



  1. Once again the lack of bona fide society around these areas has created an extension for the recruiters of Urban Naxals, and this needs to proliferate to our citizens as fast as we can! waiting for more names to denude here.

    1. I really appreciate your awareness on this issue! It is a small step from our side to reach out to people. I hope you stay connected for the upcoming blogs where we will come up with lots of heated topics associated with the same issue.


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