Central Vista project: Understanding the Cost, Need and Worth

Building a new parliament seems to be a good decision, but redesigning the whole of Central Vista, is it worth all the effort? To understand this subject matter we have to look at central vista and parliament as two different entities.

Parliament holds a significant place in our system because it feeds the basic as well as the secondary necessities. Click here to understand the current conditions of the parliament and post covid situation.

Why Central Vista and not just Parliament?
                                                                              Right now all the Central govt offices are scattered all over Delhi City, they are not at one single address due to which the Government has to bear a lot of rental expenses every year which is not economical because offices of government can not be set up in unsafe areas. 

They need to be located in the Porsche area which leads to high rents. As per the Govt, they have to hold up to 1000 Crs of rental expenses annually and redevelopment of this area will save this expense.  is It must be noted that rent does not remain stable, which means the Annual rent price will increase eventually.

What is the opposition's take on this?

1. Why redevelopment in the midst of a global pandemic?

20,000 crore is a big amount that too during a pandemic, this fund could have been used for covid relief. Many opposition leaders claim that the amount raised for covid relief is being used in this mega project.

The truth is right now 20,000 crore is a rough estimate for the whole project. For now, there are only 2 ongoing projects that have been granted permission- 

1. New Parliament building and, 

2. Redevelopment of Central Vista Avenue on other sites. 

Are covid funds being deviated for the building of Central Vista? 
Rs 35,000 crore of the annual allocation has been contributed towards the  Covid-19 vaccination, which is important because this is more than the cost of the Central Vista redevelopment project. 

Hence, the total amount used for vaccination (once) for the Fiscal year 2021-22 is 175% more than the total budget for the Central Vista project going on right now.  1000 Crore (approx)  + 477 crores are only spent which is way less than the allocated covid fund. 

2. Environmental Issues    

There are claims which direct towards environmental damage, however, the government has cleared its stance on the same by pointing out that this project will increase the greenery through larger tree plantations in the area and will focus more on better waste management methods and during the construction tress will not be damaged most of them will uprooted.

3.  Plea filed against the central vista project in the Supreme Court 

A petition was filed in the supreme court against the central vista project. After a detailed analysis, the court found that it was not a genuine petition and termed it as "motivated". A fine of 10 lakh was levied on the petitioners. 

Further, the court stated that the project is of national importance and should not be stopped. 

Other aspects- 

  • Covid safety of the workers working on the site is ensured. Recently, a special covid drive has been commenced for the workers.

  • There are many problems when it comes to the coordination of ministries and basic routine exercises. A lot of time is consumed because all the government offices are scattered. As per the government, this project will save money and ensure better coordination among ministries.
  • Covid has wrecked the economy and as per the officials, this project will help revive the economy and generate employment for labourers and workers for the next 4-6 years. These labourers have been imprisoned due to covid and are living on-site,  if the project is delayed it will increase the labour cost. 
In my opinion, we can classify central vista into two necessary parts: 
  • Luxury Central Vista avenue and 
  • The new parliament building.
After the first wave of covid, hardly one or two parliamentary sessions have been held and that too with huge difficulties because maintaining covid protocol in this parliament is next to impossible now.
However, it is important that all other developments such as museums and new PM and Vice President's house can be delayed. Amid this crisis, only necessary developments should be prioritized amid the whole project.  
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