New IT rules of 2021 In India- All you need to know about new social media rules

Recently, the government of India formed new IT rules for intermediary social media platforms and OTT platforms. In February 2021, the Government released a notification regarding the same as  (Intermediary Guidelines and digital media Ethics code ) Rules 2021.

What is an intermediary platform??
 Platforms that use the internet to facilitate information, for Eg, Facebook. They bridge the gap between information on the web and the end-user, which is why these are known as intermediaries. Hence, the information available on these platforms is not their responsibility but of the end-users that upload it. 
Why were these rules needed? 
India welcomed a Digital revolution in 2015 which empowered 42% of its population digitally. Today, information is easily accessible and the internet has spread its roots to almost every second house. This has ripened the fruits of fake information, due to which there is a threat to communal harmony as well as law and order.  

The information available on the internet, social media, and OTT platforms does not have a principal regulatory body so far, and those in power do not have an enormous impact.  Some recent examples are- Delhi Riots, Bengaluru riots, Farmer protests, rumors, and fake information acted as fuel in these events, and freedom of speech was misused, Moreover crime against women, online money fraud, terrorist recruitment also increased immensely especially after 2015 due to the digital revolution in India. Therefore, to regulate these platforms, new rules were made.

Also,  Read- 

What does the government say about these rules?
As per the Govt of India, internet media and all kinds of intermediary platforms will be entertained and they are free to do business in India because it is necessary for our people's empowerment. However, these platforms will have to follow the Constitution of India. They can enjoy their freedom until it comes at the cost of national security.

The govt also mentioned that the new IT rules will not hinder the functioning of these platforms and they are following a liberal and progressive approach towards them. Moreover, these new rules are not brought up by the government itself but the Supreme court of India also notified the new Government of India regarding a fresh draft of IT rules.

Now let's understand the Rules -

They have been divided into two parts-

1. Rules for all intermediaries 

  • Platforms must set up Grievance Redressal Mechanism: If users face any issue with the content/platform then the respective platform has to make a mechanism that registers the complaint and provides them with a resolution.
  • Intermediary platforms must ensure the online safety and dignity of users, especially women. Within 24 hours Platforms shall remove or disable access to the receipt of the complaints.
  • Platforms must develop a user verification mechanism to verify a user but this will be voluntary if the user wants and not compulsive.
  • Intermediaries must remove unlawful content if ordered by the Court or Govt of India.

2. Rules for Social Media Intermediaries (like Facebook, Twitter)

Significant social Media Intermediaries (For those who have >50 Lakh users) have a set of special rules alongside the common rules. 

  • This platform has to appoint a Chief Compliance Officer who shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the act and rules (Should be a resident of India)
  • Appoint a Nodal Contact person for 24*7 Coordination with the law enforcement agencies.
  • Appoint a Resident grievance officer who shall perform the task mentioned under the Redressal Mechanism.
  • Publish a monthly compliance report mentioning the details of the complaints received and actions taken as well as the content proactively removed.  
  •  Lastly, this is the point that has become the cause of dispute. If there is any disturbance in communal harmony due to riots, protests, etc, the first originator of the information i.e. where the message regulated from, will be investigated when the government and intelligence agencies interrogate the cause of the violence.

What opinions have come up?

A certain section of society says that these rules are against the freedom of speech and will oppress the voices of individuals. Whereas the other section is in favor of the rules and believes that due to absolute and excess freedom of speech, the country is facing a lot of communal violence, fake news, the spread of illicit content, and threats to women's safety.

In addition to these, some huge intermediate platforms like Twitter declined to accept the IT rules, saying that it is against their policies.

I believe that basically, some new rules were introduced by the government to preserve the rights and dignity of the citizens of India. Although there can be a bunch of mixed opinions on the same, the decision lies in your hand to choose either of the sides.

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