Hi readers,

In this article, I will try to explain the lack of intent and will of our political leaders who are equally responsible for this hazardous situation and the steps and measures taken by our government to tackle this situation. I recommend that you read the previous blog to understand a different aspect of this situation. 

Let's get started,

To fulfill the shortage of oxygen, there is a way through which it can be manually brought from the oxygen plant and then gets transferred to the state but this process carries a disadvantage as it is time-consuming and risky. There is a lack of adequate resources too which are required for this process. Apart from the above-mentioned way, there are two more possible ways -
  • Either you set up a PSA plant (Pressure swing adsorption)
  • Or you can arrange an Oxygen concentrator. 
Let's talk about some numbers now-  

According to the data, the government invited bids for 150 PSA plants in the month of October with a capacity of 80,500 litres per minute. The oxygen produced from these plants is said to be not very pure when compared to an oxygen plant, however, it is useful in fighting the ongoing scarcity of oxygen in the country and they are economical too, which is an additional benefit. 

A whopping amount of Rs. 201.58 crores were allocated by the government to install 162 PSA plants across the country. The question that arises here is - how far have we reached in achieving this target?  So far, 33 plants have been installed in a time span of 6 months. 

As per the above-mentioned information, it can be observed that the central government was stuck to on-paper planning more than timely implementation. The second wave of the deadly coronavirus spread like a forest fire across the country due to which all the preparations of the government failed.
Have a look at the national capital - DELHI 

At the time of writing this blog, there was only one operational plant in Delhi. 

It was the responsibility of the centre to arrange a capable vendor who could have set up the PSA plant, and similarly, the states were responsible for setting up an appropriate space for installation and handling the electrification work but this did not happen on time. This shows the lack of willingness and adequate forethought from the State government's side.

 If the scenario would have been different from the present one, we could have crossed the mere number of 33 PSA plants. Hence this can be stated as a failure on the part of the centre as well as the state.

Now here comes something interesting...
In a small state like Chhattisgarh, where the goal of 18 PSA plants was to be achieved, today it has 15 operational plants! This is a straightforward example of the difference in intent of two different governments. 

Economic concerns- 
As per the sources, the cost of setting up a PSA plant is Rs.33lakhs. The average cost of a PSA plant is around Rs 25 lakhs - 1.8 crores.

The state governments were very well familiar with the havoc that was created by covid 19. So instead of being dependent on the centre and sitting with folded hands, expecting the government to help, they could have set up the PSA plants on their own. Setting up PSA plants is not costly at all for states either. 
Today, who is to be held responsible for the lives that we have lost?

For eg:-  Remember Chhattisgarh being a  non-BJP state, took the charge and was successful in reaching its aim. However, the synergy between the BJP-ruled Center and Congress Ruled Chattisgarh can be seen but it is fair to say that if the government is inclined towards doing something, it can definitely complete that task,  despite the ideological differences. Because in the end, it is the people for whom the government is.


This incident is in Tamil Nadu, where an individual named Vedanta objected in court as the government was not giving him permission to make his oxygen plant functional because, from their perspective, it was not needed. When the country is going through such a difficult time, it shows the careless behaviour of the government. It was when the supreme court interfered in the matter and took charge, the plant became operational.

I know it is quite exhausting for you to read all this as it creates a burdensome impact on our minds. 
The situation around us is already gloomy, and in times like these, it is important to look at the good side too. So let's talk about some positive news that will make us feel that there is always a ray of hope!-




Many more countries have come forward to provide aid to India. It is a good way to make us feel grateful and not to forget that we are all in this together.
5. It is quite smart of our Government to airlift empty oxygen tankers instead of transporting them through trains or roadways, in an effort to fulfill a timely supply of oxygen. 

The measures taken by our government are not proactive but reactive as it is obvious that there was a delay in responding to the situation. If the states had avoided indulging in the blame game today, the death tolls and the number of people suffering would not be huge.

The supreme court has given an alarm regarding the third wave of covid 19, lets hope that the central government reacts to it proactively and the states act more responsibly. 
Most importantly, it is our solemn duty to take preventive measures and not just be dependent on the government. It is partially correct to say that only the government is to be blamed for the loss of lives in this second wave. If we, as citizens would have acted sincerely, then the government would have been forced to work properly because it is us, who have elected them as our representatives. Let's take this crisis seriously and act wisely and hope for better days to come soon.

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