Hello everyone, 

Jihad, you all might have heard this word but very few of us know the actual meaning of this. Before picking this topic for the blog I had to think twice because this might be very controversial and some of you may call me Islamophobic because this topic includes a religion in particular but I want to clear about this that my intentions are not against any religion because my motive behind blogging is not to defame someone or something but to make you aware about the things which people think twice before touching. So in this blog we will go ahead and under the Jihadism theory and its interconnection with Delhi Riots 2020, every reference provided can be verified in the TSCB Archives. But before starting this blog, I have already explained you two theories in relevance with the riots, so if you are new to my blog do not forget to go through my previous blogs on Urban NaxalismGene Sharp Theory.

Let's Get started...

Jihad is one of the most scariest word in the world today, but what does this word actually mean? According to Islamic scholars the word jihad means "struggle" or exerted efforts, according to most of the Muslims it's a range of activities intended for self improvement. According to an article published on the Washington post, there are three types of Jihad and none of them mean or promote terrorism. Jihad against yourself is the first in this category,  second is jihad against Satan(devil or evil), and the last one is Jihad against a open enemy. In order to understand this in a simple way I will state some examples, you decide to quit smoking, beating cancer, learning a new skill. These are all examples of jihad against yourself or greater jihad. The second  kind of jihad is 'jihad against Satan'. Satan is a devil hence this second type of jihad is self explanatory which means struggle against a devil or an evil force. In the late 19th century, it was named as the 'jihad of the pen' by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Messiah and founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He believed that Islam should be spread by knowledge, truth and love not by sword. Finally the third class of jihad is known by its struggle against an open enemy. In the third kind of jihad ,three conditions are to be met- helping the fellow citizens when they are being persecuted for their faith, when they have migrated to a different place with the purpose of preserving peace ,to safeguard their religious freedom.

 According to the Britannica, jihad can be carried in four primary ways- by the heart, by tongue , by the hand, and by the sword. Either jihad can be done by verbal means, physical exertion or by weapons [only if above mentioned conditions are fulfilled].As explained till now, Jihad can be understood as a practice which is supposed to bring positive outcomes like self improvement and is a struggle for the upliftment of the society. But this leads us to the situation where jihad has become the burning issue . If it is a positive practice which serves the purpose of betterment then why there are ideological clashes, especially in the south Asian part of the world? Why it has become a petrifying word in the modern world today and who is to be held responsible for this- Muslims or non Muslims? What is the linking thread between the issue of  Delhi riots and jihad? All these questions will be answered in the next blog with concrete evidences. Till then if you are new to my blog please read the previous blogs for better understanding and if you find it informative then do like, share and subscribe. Let me know about your opinions in the comment box.


                                                                     JAI HIND


  1. You left us in suspense!🙄. But still.. you have provided a proper theoritcal understanding of this term. 👌🏻👌🏻

    1. Thanks a lot and yes do not worry, you can read the other parts of this blog which will not let your suspense last longer.


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