Hello Everyone, 

In the last blog, I talked about the theory of Urban Naxalism and its intentions to destroy the roots of democracy. I have provided enough pieces of evidence about that subject matter in my "archives section" TSCB ARCHIVES. This blog will be focusing on the theory i.e. 'The Gene Sharp Theory'. But before starting this blog if you haven't read my previous blogs on Urban Naxalism and the Bloomsbury incident, I recommend you to read it for a better understanding of this series which is based on the Delhi riots.  

Let's begin, 

Have you ever heard about Gene Sharp? He was an American political scientist. He has written a book, "The Politics of non-violent action". This book defines methods to demolish a government through non-violent and democratic means. He was a political science professor and it was a part of his studies to study personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, David Henry, and many more. He has come up with different methods of demolishing a nation with non-violent methods. The movement from the outer perspective should look non-violent and democratic and should be seen as a movement asking for legal rights and focusing on peace but from the inside it should leave the government unmoving and nonfunctional. It should completely paralyze the government machinery. In the end, when the government finds itself impair, it will automatically collapse, this is "Gene Sharp Theory". He has written a book named "From dictatorship to democracy" and many other books like this which talk about hundreds of techniques to paralyze the government. Out of these techniques if you follow even a few of them the government will fall. They have implemented this Gene sharp theory in Egypt, Tahrir Square, Lakhs of people intervening for nowhere, and all of a sudden paralyzing the government and Hosni Mubarak lost the power. The same thing happened in Ukraine, out of nowhere crowd gathered, following a bunch of unmoving public. Government banks were unable to function and the rest is history. I will tell you some of the techniques of Gene Sharp's theory:  (a) Throwing stones at the police or our own security forces. (b) Digging roads and damaging the paths so that the security forces can not reach and control the mishappening (c) Setting up the fire to the fire stations so that they can not extinguish the fire and many more methods. Don't you think you have seen this somewhere in your country itself?  Yes, Delhi, Bangalore, Assam, etc. This is what happened in Delhi, in the name of communal riots, this is the reason why I told you all initially that, this was not a riot, it was a well-planned act executed by some urban Naxals to demolish our government. They were very successful in paralyzing our country's capital Delhi. They jammed roads, which resulted in heavy traffic on alternative routes. 

Whatever happened in Delhi was a result of the use of 70-80 methods listed in the gene sharp theory. Let's dive a little deeper into this concept, placing women and children in the front of a protest, blocking the common pathways and roads, and making it strenuous for the vehicles to move, yes, this is what  Gene Sharp theory is You have seen big personalities speaking utter nonsense on television, social media, YouTube, and many other platforms like this. Everybody who made an effort to involve themselves in this movement  used it as a competent opportunity for their personal gain. These urban Naxals have used Acid packets, Molotov cocktails (petrol bombs) which were invented by Russian scientists. How did they get it? Do you still think it was an Anti-CAA protest?  Throwing Molotov cocktails, Acid packets from a high building, was not a protest, it was a full-fledged plan to dismiss the government. There are shreds of evidence in the form of videos coming up now, Aam Admi Party Councilor Tahir Hussain is now caught , running huge weaponry in his own house and directing these riots from his house. I will come up with names later in my upcoming blogs but for now, let's be focused on this theory. Do you still think it was a Hindu-Muslim riot? You are welcome to answer this question in the comment box.

Till now, I have explained the two theories which were utilized against our country and against us, and we were oblivious of them. You want to know the reason why?  Because we all were very busy playing Hindu-Muslim, Left vs right, BJP vs Congress and so on, over Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms. This is what they want, they want us to stay divided over our ideologies so that they can conduct activities like this more often. If you all think this series on Delhi riots is helping you gain a better perspective of things, please let me know in the comment section. Help me grow and create a community full of sensible and aware people so that we can eliminate the activities taking place in our country. Subscribe to my blog and if you are new here don't forget to read my previous blogs on various issues like this.




  1. Great content samarth.. great!!🤩👌🏻👌🏻. Getting to know many new things about the Delhi Riots. 😊👌🏻

    1. Thanks a lot! I am really happy to know that you find it informative.


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