Hello everyone, 

This was not the first time when Delhi faced Communal riots, history is evident that how Delhi has experienced recurring phases of riots. But what happened between Feb 23- 39 was not a riot, it was pre-organized "URBAN WARFARE". Before starting this topic, there are important things that are to be taken care of. 

1. The subject matter of the Delhi riots is very huge, so I will be dividing this topic into several different chapters, which will give you a detailed understanding of this topic.  The next important thing is all the pieces of evidence, Visual proofs, and references I talk about will not be shared in this blog. I have created a subsidiary website of this blog which will be a collection of all the proofs, shreds of evidence, and references, that I provide in my blogs so that you can verify the claims. The content I share oblige me to follow some google community guidelines, which is why there is a need for a subsidiary website. 

2. The content which I will be presenting in my blogs, might or might not support your ideologies or thought process, but I want to clarify that the intention behind my articles is not to manipulate or change your perspective but to serve you with facts, which no mainstream media, newspaper, YouTubers will reveal. Read my articles, Verify the content from the references I provide, and then cultivate your own perspective.    

3. 8 months have passed away since these riots occurred, and many people have given their own perspective, their experiences including (YouTubers, Mainstream media, Active social media influencers, Bollywood actors, and many more). So you all might have an image in your mind about these riots which have helped to create a perspective about this issue. According to me, now is the right time to provide you with some information so that you can verify your perspective at your individual level with the help of the information I provide. 

4. Previously I stated that the incident occurred in Delhi wasn't a riot but an Urban Warfare. To have a clear picture of my point you have to understand various warfare theories (which include Gene sharp theory, guerilla theory) and principles like (Maoist). I will try to explain to you in the best possible manner because to have a better understanding of this issue, we have to familiarize ourselves with these principles. This will help you understand the background building of the Delhi riots. 


1. Bloomsbury Incident 
2. Delhi history, Urban Naxalite and Jihadism 
3. Introduction to Gene sharp theory and guerilla theory (With reference to Anti-Caa protest and Shaheen Bagh)
4. Introduction to the Delhi Riots (Which Includes: Delhi elections, Political and social aspect of Delhi riots) **Which is further divided into several parts. 

Let's Get started, 

Bloomsbury Incident...
Soon after the riots, Senior advocate Monica Arora along with her teammates visited ground zero. They met the riot victims and investigated the site. They recorded their findings and created a report and submitted it to the central government. The same report then complied with the proofs and pieces of evidence for the common public in a book. The name of the book is "Delhi riots 2020: the untold story", and the authors are Monika Arora and two other group members. The publishing house was Bloomsbury but the story doesn't end here. 

A book has to go through various stages before getting published, Publishing houses verify and scrutinize the content of the book and then publish the book, and the same happened with this book too. This book was published by Bloomsbury a worldwide well-known publication that agreed to publish this book. All the legal and political aspects were scrutinized and the book was all set to launch in the market, But just a few moments before the launch of this book, Bloomsbury India withdraws this book and without even informing the authors, the launch was canceled. Later on, Bloomsbury India confessed that they were under the pressure of their British headquarter. Bloomsbury UK forced, Bloomsbury India to withdraw this book and not to publish this book without any appropriate reasons. Bloomsbury India stated their stance on this issue, that they stand with their authors. Because they have verified the content and there is nothing controversial in the book. They tried to convince the UK HQ to at least read the book and then decide if it is appropriate to withdraw this book. But Bloomsbury UK did not listen and forced them to withdraw the book immediately. Further, it was found that even Bloomsbury UK was pressurized by a bunch of groups. Bloomsbury UK also received threats and due to which they forced the branch situated in India to withdraw the book with immediate effect.    

This book contains a ground zero report. The authors of this book went to the site and visited the victims of the riots. This book is a report, which contains facts that created turmoil in a specific community. This same community later on trended negative hashtags in which they tagged Bloomsbury UK which created external pressure on the publication house which later forced Bloomsbury India to withdraw the book. Until the book is not the market, none of us can determine what is written in the book, so how can someone say that this book is controversial without even reading it? Many big personalities including Swara Bhaskar was relentlessly against this book without even reading it. Yes, one can complain and claim that this book is a collection of false facts or is a fictional story but only after reading. Do you think this is acceptable, that an organization working in a foreign country will decide, what Indian readers will read? 

Later on, garuda publications offered to the authors to publish this book, and finally, it is in the market, and this book is a bestseller now. I will be making a series of blog completely dedicated to the Delhi riots incident. I will cover every angle and will bring an unbiased truth in front of you.


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          JAI HIND                


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