

" It is estimated that the impact of the ban on this industry will be around 500 crores. Looking at the number, it is obvious that livelihoods of various small scale dealers and workers are affected due to this ban, but what have the respective governments of states done to compensate for this loss?" Also read-  PM Gati Shakti  Article 370 and the History of Kashmir CAA  and more. As the festival of light Diwali approaches, the tale of the ban on firecrackers also arrives. Just a few days ahead of Diwali, many State Governments of India have imposed a ban on burning crackers in the name of pollution control. You will find a number of people appreciating the efforts of several governments because they find this move will protect the environment. But what is the other side of this story? Production this year was half the previous year due to fears of loss. Last year production was around  3000 crores and this year it will be around 1500 crores. Due to the Ban imposed on these

PM Gati Shakti Master plan: Explained

(Understanding the need and objective of PMGTMP) PM Modi has launched the Rs 100 Lakh Crore Gati Shakti Project to develop a Holistic-Infrastructure for Multi-Modal Connectivity.  On the occasion of the 75th Independence day, Prime minister Narendra Modi announced that the Central government is planning to launch the PM Gati Shakti Master plan and now a few days ago, he has launched a National master plan for Multi-Modal connectivity.  To understand the need and importance of this brand new project, first, we need to know the problems in our current system of infrastructure development and what benefits this project will bring. Also Read-  PM Modi's high approval rating Unheard angle of caste system  Myths of Kerala model and more... PROBLEMS OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA   1. Infrastructure development in India had suffered for decades, still, after 75 years of Independence, we do not have world-class infrastructure in our country. The main reason behind this is the Lac

Understanding and Decoding PM Narendra Modi’s high Approval ratings

  Global leader Approval Ratings 2021 Modi’s Approval Ratings Remain highest Among the 13 Global Leaders with a Magnificent 70%." Recently, an Intelligence company and US-based Data firm, named Morning Consult Group, conducted a survey that included Leaders of big countries and their approval ratings by the people.  To know more about the Morning Consult Group - click here. The results of the survey are as follows: As per the Results... it is clearly visible that Indian PM Narendra Modi's approval Ratings outran all other Leaders, including US president Joe Biden and the German Chancellor. How is it possible? Despite all the protests, dissent, Covid Criticism and hate, especially in the last two years, Narendra Modi remains unchallenged. Let's hop in and try to understand the reasons behind this Poll.  India battled through the severe second wave of Covid and bounced back bravely. Our country is way ahead in vaccinating its population from the rest of the world. India Cr

जानिए भारत में जाति व्यवस्था का अनसुना कोण...

एक विशिष्ट जाति व्यवस्था का पालन करने के लिए भारत और इसकी संस्कृति, विशेष रूप से हिंदू संस्कृति की आलोचना की जाती है। न केवल देश के बाहर बल्कि भारत में भी 10 में से 8 लोग जाति व्यवस्था के खिलाफ बोलने के लिए खड़े होंगे और यह सच है कि इस व्यवस्था के कारण बड़ी संख्या में लोगों को नुकसान हुआ है। लेकिन, आइए सिक्का उछालें और पता करें कि क्या इस प्रणाली का कोई अज्ञात पक्ष है जिसने राष्ट्र को अपनी संस्कृति को संरक्षित करने में मदद की है ?? जाति हमेशा से भारतीय संस्कृति का हिस्सा रही है और आज भारत में जाति व्यवस्था प्राचीन की तुलना में अलग थी। अब, यह व्यक्तिगत उद्देश्यों को पूरा करने के लिए एक स्रोत के रूप में अधिक हो गया है। भारत ने विनाशकारी खूनी आक्रमणों की एक श्रृंखला का सामना किया है, जो हमारे लिए काफी चुनौती भरा था। इतिहासकारों के अनुसार, 7 ईस्वी के बाद भारत ने आक्रमण देखा जब अफगानिस्तान के हिंदू राज्यों पर अरबों ने आक्रमण किया।   अंग्रेजी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें- इन आक्रमणकारियों को लगभग 2 शताब्दियों तक गुर्जर-प्रतिहारों और काबुल-ज़ाबुल के राज्यों द्वारा रोका गया था, लेकिन दो शत

The unheard angle of Caste System in India

India and its culture, particularly Hindu culture, are criticized for following a typical caste system. Not only outside the country but in India also 8 out of 10 people will stand to speak against the caste system and it's true that a large number of people have suffered due to this system. But, let's toss the coin and find out is there an unknown side of the system that helped the nation to preserve its culture?? Caste has always been a part of Indian culture and the caste system today in India, was way different when compared to the ancient one. Now, it has become more like a source for fulfilling personal motives. India has faced a series of destructive bloody invasions, which was quite a challenge for us. According to historians, after 7 AD India witnessed invasions when Afghanistan's Hindu Kingdoms were invaded by the Arabs.   Also Read- CIVILIZATIONAL GOAL OF INDIA AFGHANISTAN UNDER TALIBAN PEGASUS SOFTWARE 2021  and more... These Invaders were halted for about 2 ce

What is the Civilizational goal of India?

A fter the Taliban took over Afghanistan, there were some points that demanded our attention on India's future goal. Usually, I write articles on issues that are fact-based or are backed by facts but today this article is not on any political or social issue. This article is purely based on a question. What is India's long-term goal in the world? In my opinion, the present global world consists of 4 major ideologies, working right now. Starting from capitalist( USA), Communist (china), Islamic,  Missionary (Christian).  These ideologies are very different from each other but their goal is common, Totalitarian rule of their respective ideology, they might not accept it and in the public arena they might defend and boast about Democracy and people's choice but deep down they are working day and night for the expansion of their Ideology.  Also Read- AGHANISTAN UNDER TALIBAN DECODING KERALA MODEL CENTRAL VISTA PROJECT 2021 FORGOTTEN HEROES OF INDIA and many more articles like