New IT rules of 2021 In India- All you need to know about new social media rules

Recently, the government of India formed new IT rules for intermediary social media platforms and OTT platforms. In February 2021, the Government released a notification regarding the same as (Intermediary Guidelines and digital media Ethics code ) Rules 2021. What is an intermediary platform?? Platforms that use the internet to facilitate information, for Eg, Facebook. They bridge the gap between information on the web and the end-user, which is why these are known as intermediaries. Hence, t he information available on these platforms is not their responsibility but of the end-users that upload it. Why were these rules needed? India welcomed a Digital revolution in 2015 which empowered 42% of its population digitally. Today, information is easily accessible and the internet has spread its roots to almost every second house. This has ripened the fruits of fake information, due to which there is a threat to communal harmony as well as law and order. ...